
Revamping - A Collaborative Initiative for Cultural Engagement in Thisted Municipality, in partnership with MAUS and 7NORD

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The calendar portal that brings together all of Thy

In 2021, Thisted Kommune assumed ownership of Thy's collective calendar portal, Originating in 2012, this portal has been a joint venture involving the municipality, local cultural actors, tourism and business associations, and educational institutions.

As an online platform, Thy360 has made it easy for associations, institutions, businesses, shops, and other actors to share information about events, experiences, leisure activities, and more.


User behavior analysis that creates engagement

With the transfer of ownership to the municipality, there was a decisive move towards developing a new and improved solution on a contemporary, technically advanced platform.

The primary goal was to enhance user-friendliness, ensuring that both residents and visitors could easily navigate the portal to discover activities in Thy and that users could effortlessly create and manage events in the calendar. Additionally, the portal aimed to include functionalities that would allow associations and cultural actors to utilize data from the portal on their own websites.

In close collaboration with Thisted Kommune and various stakeholders, the new solution was developed "from scratch" using Umbraco CMS, incorporating visual references to Thisted Kommune's visual identity.

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System for registration and ticket sales

For some arrangements and events, it is necessary to have a registration module where organizers can see how many participants are coming. In this connection, we have developed a plug-in for registration and ticket sales, which enables organizers to "require" registration or links to purchase tickets.

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Visionary Frontend Development

The project commenced with an ambitious redesign of the frontend. The new homepage was a tapestry of local events, stories, and cultural highlights. Each page was infused with the essence of Thy, from the visual elements to the content narrative. The real triumph, however, was in how these elements were seamlessly integrated with the event calendar and thematic landing pages

Event Management Made Easy

Event management was another area of focus. The team introduced features like an enhanced categorization system, a more intuitive event creation process, and improved visibility for events. This meant that users could not only find what they were looking for with ease but also contribute to the cultural tapestry of Thy with minimal effort.


Key Features of Our Solution

A pivotal aspect of this transformation was the overhaul of the backend system. Choosing Angular for its robust and dynamic capabilities, coupled with the reliability of .NET, the team crafted a backend that was a powerhouse of efficiency and flexibility. This combination allowed for a high degree of customization, crucial for the diverse needs of the portal's users - from local businesses to cultural institution

The new user interface, designed with the end-user in mind, simplified processes like event creation, making them accessible and efficient. The interface was optimized for both desktop and mobile use, ensuring a seamless experience regardless of the device.

The project was not just about technology; it was about people. Throughout the development process, feedback from local users was continually sought.

This collaborative approach ensured that the portal remained deeply rooted in the community's needs and preferences.

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